600 General Regulation
No land shall be used or occupied and no structure shall be erected, altered, used or occupied except for the principal uses permitted for each of the eleven zoning districts created by this Ordinance together with lawfully permitted conditional uses and/or accessory uses as listed in the following Sections of this Ordinance.
610 Official Zoning Map (Back)
The official City Zoning Map of the City of Hartford shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and bear the seal of the City under the following words: "This is to certify that this is the City Zoning Map referred to in Section 620 of the Hartford/Beaver Dam Zoning Ordinance adopted by the City Council on _______ 1991 as part of Ordinance No. _______of the City of Hartford."
The official City Zoning Map of the City of Beaver Dam shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and bear the seal of the City under the following words: "This is to certify that this is the City Zoning Map referred to in Section 620 of the Hartford/Beaver Dam Zoning Ordinance adopted by the City Council on _________ 1991 as part of Ordinance No. _________of the City of Beaver Dam."
No changes shall be made in the City Zoning Maps except in conformity with the procedures set forth in this Ordinance.
If either City Zoning Map becomes damaged, destroyed, lost, or difficult to interpret, the respective City Council may, by resolution, adopt a new City Zoning Map. The new map may correct original drafting errors or other errors or omissions but the corrections shall not be in effect amendments of the original map including amendments thereto.
A replacement map shall also contain the following additional words: "this map supersedes and replaces the City Zoning Map adopted (date of adoption of the map being replaced)."
City maps are also available by clicking: Beaver
Dam City Map, Hartford City Map.

(To read this file, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or greater on your
computer. It is free of charge, just click the icon above to download the
620 Interpretation of District Boundaries
Boundaries of districts established under provisions of this Ordinance are shown on the two City Zoning Maps on file in the office of the City Clerk, Hartford, Kentucky and the Office of the City Clerk, Beaver Dam, Kentucky.
Boundaries of districts shown on the City Zoning Maps shall
be interpreted as follows:
a. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, highways, alleys or railroad tracks shall be construed to follow such lines.
b. Boundaries indicated as approximately following plotted lot lines shall be construed as following such lot lines.
c. Boundaries indicated as approximately following city corporation limits shall be construed as following such corporation line.
d. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streams, rivers or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such center lines.
e. Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in 620 (a) through 620(d) , above, shall be so construed. Distances shall be determined by the scale of the City Zoning Maps unless specifically shown on the map.
f. All questions not covered by 620(a) through 620(e) concerning the exact location of any district boundary line or portion thereof, shall be determined by the Board of Adjustment.
Where a district boundary line on the City Zoning Map divides a lot of single ownership which was recorded at the time of enactment of this Ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may permit the extension of the regulations for either portion of the lot a distance not to exceed 50 feet into the remaining portion of the lot.
Whenever any street, alley, public way, or public easement is vacated through legal action, the abutting districts shall be extended, depending on the land to which the vacated lands revert.
630 Annexation
In every case when land becomes a part of the cities through annexation, such annexed land shall be automatically assigned to the R-1 Zoning District. This zoning district shall remain in effect unless or until the City Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, enacts a zoning map amendment using the procedures described in this ordinance.
640 Districts Established (Back)
The following zoning district classifications are established for the Cities of Hartford and Beaver Dam, Kentucky and their environs:
A-1 Agricultural - Farm-oriented
R-1 Residential - Low Density
R-2 Residential - Two-family
R-3 Residential - Multi-family
B-1 Business - Neighborhood
B-2 Business - Central Business District (Downtown)
B-3 Business - Highway
I-1 Industrial - Light
I-2 Industrial - Heavy
F- Flood Plain District
NOTICE: The Hartford/Beaver Dam Joint Planning Commission
encourages use of this site (www.occzoning.com). We hope you find it helpful and convenient. However
please be aware of the following.
The information presented may not include all recent changes. In the case
of meeting warnings and agendas, note the last-update date, and call the Joint
Planning Commission if you have questions. |
Minutes and other documents that may be available from this
site are not
Official copies and also may not include all recent changes. Official copies
can be obtained by contacting the either the Hartford or Beaver Dam City
Zoning information and related resources contained
herein provide preliminary
answers to basic zoning questions, but does not provide a full review
under the Hartford/Beaver Dam Joint Planning ordinance. While, many zoning
questions can be answered with a phone call to the Joint Planning Commission, most zoning and building permit permit applicants, or their representatives,
should plan on visiting the Hartford/Beaver Dam Joint Planning Commission office to get proper and complete review of their
application. |